2006-05-22 10:51:47 UTC
Lea Walker, from UK's Big Brother 7
Lea Walker, from UK's Big Brother 7, appears in her first hardcore porn movie. Lea's enormous (30 M-cup) tits have made a splash with the British public. Now you can see Lea sucking and fucking as though her life depends on it... as she says on camera, she'd starved herself of sex for two months before the shoot and it shows! Follow BB7 all you like - you won't see anything as hardcore as this fantastically filthy boy/girl scene from the surgically enhanced sex doll that is Lea Walker.
Lea Walker, from UK's Big Brother 7, appears in her first hardcore porn movie. Lea's enormous (30 M-cup) tits have made a splash with the British public. Now you can see Lea sucking and fucking as though her life depends on it... as she says on camera, she'd starved herself of sex for two months before the shoot and it shows! Follow BB7 all you like - you won't see anything as hardcore as this fantastically filthy boy/girl scene from the surgically enhanced sex doll that is Lea Walker.